Find the Best Psychiatrist in Mumbai for Your Mental Health Needs

Find the Best Psychiatrist in Mumbai for Your Mental Health Needs

Presently, with the advancement of technology, awareness of mental health increases. People are becoming more aware and do not hesitate to take the help of medical professionals. In this digitally advanced world, most people are suffering from some mental health issues. Seven people out of 10 are having anxiety issues and are looking for psychiatrists for anxiety. But, finding the Best Psychiatrist in Mumbai for Anxiety is a complex and time-consuming process. If you are interested in talking to professionals who can help you or your loved ones, you can read this blog or book an appointment with Reflect Within psychiatrist.

What is a Psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who know how to treat several mental health issues. They work in different ways and use a combination of medical treatments such as medication, counseling, and psychotherapy to treat individuals suffering from medical health conditions.

An individual who is living in Mumbai and is suffering from mental health problems might need to visit the best Psychiatrist in Mumbai if they have the following:

  • Eating disorders, like anorexia and bulimia

  • Anxiety issues, like panic attacks and phobias

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Severe depression

  • Complex conditions, like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What Do You Understand by Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is a mental health issue that causes fear, stress, and increased alertness, and worsens day by day. It is an uncomfortable condition in which the individual thinks that something is going to happen in the future. Often, people think that anxiety and fear are the same, but in reality, they are not. Anxiety is a future-oriented and long-acting response. Anxiety disorder is the most common disorder, and nearly 30% of adults are suffering from it.

Well, it is normal to have anxiety issues, but when you have a problem tackling it, it becomes dangerous. People who are diagnosed with anxiety issues usually experience the following symptoms:

  • They worry too much about any situation/circumstances.

  • Small things annoy them, and they feel irritated.

  • Their mental health is affected, and they have a hard time concentrating.

  • Sleep disturbance patterns are common in them. They always feel tired.

  • They have a hard time relaxing, i.e., restlessness is commonly seen in them.

What are the Different Types of Anxiety Issues/ Disorders?

Individuals suffering from anxiety issues might experience the same symptoms; however, the type is not the same. There are different types of anxiety disorders. Let us run down how anxiety differs from one another:

  1. Generic Anxiety Disorder (GAD): In this type the individual worries or take excessive tension about their day to day life including health, work, relationship and more. These are the unrealistic worries that are constant.

  2. Panic Disorders: It is the feeling of intense fear in which the person breaks into sweat, has chest pain, or has an increased heartbeat. Sometimes, the individual might have the feeling of a heart attack.

  3. Social Anxiety Disorder: It is commonly known as social phobia and happens when the individual feels overwhelming worry or fear about their social condition. Individuals with social anxiety disorder will avoid social settings.

  4. Obsessive Compulsion Disorder: It is the mental health condition that causes the intrusive or disruptive thoughts, and the individual performs repetitive patterns to relieve the stress.

  5. Post Traumatic Stress Disorders: The individual has nightmares, flashbacks, or uncontrollable thoughts about a specific terrifying event. The individual tries to avoid situations that are related to the event.

  6. Phobia: In this, the individual has a fear of a specific thing or an object. Some of the common phobias include fear of animals, height, injections, blood, etc.

  7. Separation Anxiety Disorder: A person experiencing SAD (social anxiety disorder) will have a fear of separating from their loved ones or from home.

Psychiatrists For Anxiety – How Can They Help?

Anxiety disorders often lead to several other medical conditions, such as depression and bipolar disorder, if it is left untreated for a longer period of time. Henceforth, it is important to have the proper online psychiatry consultations or offline consultations. Visiting a psychiatrist for anxiety will first identify the root cause of having anxiety issues. After diagnosing the issue, they will come up with the right course of treatment for their patients.


Several types of medications are available for treating anxiety disorders. Psychiatrists for anxiety will prescribe different types of medications depending upon the type of anxiety you are having or the other physical or medical conditions you are having. The different medications may include:

  • Benzodiazepines

  • Anti Depressants

  • Buspirone


Another form of treatment that is used for treating anxiety disorders is psychotherapy. In this talk therapy, the consultant communicates with the patient to identify the change in the negative thought pattern.

Emotional Support

Individuals suffering from anxiety issues will often feel isolated and alone. When you opt for the best psychiatrist in Mumbai for anxiety, they will also provide emotional support to their patients. Also, they will provide referral groups and other patients to the patients suffering from anxiety issues.

Lifestyle Change

The best Psychiatrist in Mumbai for Anxiety will suggest you induce certain changes in your lifestyle to improve the overall well-being of the individual. Usually, these modifications include changes in diet, exercise, and inducing stress-releasing techniques such as yoga and medication.

How to Pick the Best Psychiatrist in Mumbai for Anxiety?

Finding the best Psychiatrist in Mumbai for Anxiety can be challenging, especially when a vast number of medical health professionals are available in the market. But with the rise of telemedicine, finding online psychiatry consultations is never easy. The tips that will help you in picking the best psychiatrist in Mumbai for anxiety are:

Ask Questions

Compiling a list of questions before visiting the psychiatrist will help you pick the right one for you. The list of questions may include:

  • Which type of treatment do you use to cure patients of my category?

  • Are you able to prescribe medications if needed?

  • What treatment do you recommend?

  • How long will it take to feel better?

  • What else can I do to prevent my situation?

Look for Psychiatrist Specialties

A psychiatrist is a vast field, and some psychiatrist has their area of specialization. They have a specialty in treating certain conditions such as depression, anxiety issues, bipolar disorder, and Insomnia. Henceforth, you must ask about the psychiatrist's specialty before finalizing them.


Reviews are significant especially when you are finalizing the new medical care provider. Have a talk with the other patients and ask about their opinions. It will help you in getting the clear picture.

Consider Communication Style

Communication is the key to success. Look out for the communication style the psychiatrist prefers. When the individual feels comfortable, they will share his/her anxiety issues with them.

Have a Look at Experience

Do not forget to look at the number of years the psychiatrist has been practicing. If you are looking for therapies for specific therapy such as depression or social anxiety disorder, find a doctor who understands it better.

Consider the Gender

Lastly, but not the least, gender of your psychiatrist plays a crucial role. Well some individual feels comfortable with some specific gender.

Book An Appointment with the psychiatrist Today

Are you ready to move to the next stage toward your mental health? Finding the best Psychiatrist in Mumbai for anxiety may require efforts, research and time. Remember that having addressing the mental health issues is a time consuming journey and requires multiple sessions. To achieve the positive outcomes and improvement of your overall health you can consult the psychiatrist of Reflect Within. To book an appointment with the medical professional, dial +91 8928467288 today.

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