Discussing Postpartum Depression Treatment, Causes, & Signs

Postpartum Depression Treatment

Postpartum depression is also commonly known as perinatal depression. Following the birth, this problem can occur among the new mothers. However, it's a common issue, and it is considered one of the most severe medical conditions. One out of seven new mothers is a sufferer of Postpartum depression right after the baby's birth. This mental stage may make a new mother feel sad, emotionless, empty, and have varied mood swings. In this post, we will discuss this issue in detail, along with the best Postpartum depression treatment.

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Postpartum Depression - A Brief Introduction!

In simple terms, PPD or Postpartum Depression is a complex blend of emotional, mental, and physical changes mostly observed among new mothers right after the baby's birth. It's one of the major depression forms, and a woman can be diagnosed with this within four weeks after giving birth. PPD is more related to social, psychological, and chemical changes that a woman goes through while having a baby.

Fortunately, this severe depression issue can be treated with proper counselling and medication, along with a little more care, attention, and love. However, the diagnosis and proper treatment are based on the severity of one's depression. It's because this issue involves a rapid hormonal change, including the level of estrogen and progesterone. During pregnancy, these levels increase, but right after the child's birth, these hormones drop back. So, depending on these changes, the medical experts start the Postpartum depression treatment.

Let's continue and discuss the notable signs of this depression issue.

5 Most Notable Signs of Postpartum Depression

This section will let you know about the major signs to watch for Postpartum depression. Take a look:

  1. Sadness or Guilts in Your Thoughts: Feeling upset, sad, or emotionless once in a blue moon is quite normal, but if it happens frequently, it's a matter of concern. Such frequent sadness often triggers your unhappy moods on being a parent. Most women may feel down for themselves as new moms. All these are major signs of suffering from Postpartum depression.

  2. Issues while Making Decisions: Another sign to notice about PPD is difficulty in thinking straight or feeling like you don't care anymore. Also, many new mothers fail to decide about waking up early, getting out of bed, taking a bath, not being able to decide to take a walk with the baby, changing their diapers, taking the suggested medicines, etc. In such cases, you must search for a postpartum massage near me. Here, the massage sessions will help you relax your mind.

  3. No More Interest for Enjoying Anything: If you're not laughing at your favorite comic shows, feeling affectionate with your spouse, or not enjoying your favorite foods anymore, these may be the early signs of PPD. You must discuss these mood swings and faded excitement for anything with your gynecologist or opt for Postpartum Depression Treatment.

  4. Changes in Sleeping Patterns: One of the most possible signs of Perinatal depression is the sleeping disorders. It's quite normal to face changes in your sleeping schedules after becoming a new mother. But if you can't even sleep or take a rest when your baby is napping, it's not good. Additionally, if you sleep every time, it's something odd from the normal sleeping patterns. It has been observed that many women also suffer from postpartum cardiomyopathy due to such disorders.

  5. Self-Harm related Thoughts: If we talk about self-harm or suicidal thoughts, these are the advanced symptoms of Postpartum or Perinatal depression. Many new mothers have been diagnosed with signs of carrying suicidal or self-harming thoughts or sometimes trying to hurt their newborn baby. Apart from this, postpartum psychosis is also a severe and uncommon mental issue that can be noticed with these signs of PPD. 

8 Reasons for Postpartum Depression

If you ask about the exact reasons for postpartum depression, they're unknown. But, according to medical experts, the following factors may give rise to PPD among new mothers:

  1. Lifestyle Changes: While pregnant, a woman has to go through a lot of changes, including her lifestyle. All the to-be mothers are advised to be careful regarding what food they are having, and so sometimes they have to avoid their favorite foods. Not only food, but they have to switch from their regular lifestyle to a more strict one. Therefore, mothers with PPD must go for a gentle postpartum exercise to maintain a peaceful lifestyle.

  2. Former Mental Health Issues: If a woman has any depression, anxiety, or any other mental health issue records from the past, it may affect them while conceiving and further lead to postpartum psychosis or other problems of perinatal depression.

  3. Limited Social Support: Social and family support, plus proper care and attention from the partner, is essential more than anything for a pregnant woman. However, if a woman is not getting the required support, it may turn out to be a severe situation of depression for her.

  4. Financial Crisis: If a family is going through any financial crisis or internal issues, such factors also affect a pregnant woman's mental health. So, it can also be considered as one of the reasons for Postpartum depression.

  5. Child Birth with Health Problems: If a woman delivers a baby with physical or mental health-related problems, it's a major triggering factor for her as a new mother. At such times, parenting becomes quite challenging, and a mother may go through severe depression.

  6. Blue Baby Syndrome: Blue baby syndrome or methemoglobinemia is a condition when a newborn baby's skin turns blue or purple. A baby may suffer from this condition right after birth due to multiple health factors. And this may become a reason for mothers having perinatal depression.

  7. Age Factor while Conceiving: The younger a woman is, the higher the chances are for suffering from Postpartum or Perinatal depression. Age factor is one of the most provoking reasons for Postpartum depression.

  8. Self-Conscious: Self-consciousness or being too particular about your self-image also triggers depression problems. It's because, during pregnancy, women face changes in their body shape, hair growth, facial changes, and much more.

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression?

As we have mentioned above, proper medication and regular counseling sessions can help a new mother suffering from PPD. Below, we have explained the treatments and therapies to learn how to deal with Postpartum depression. Have a look:

  1. Medications: Talking about medications, health experts suggest anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications.

  2. Therapy Treatments: With proper clarity on therapy treatments for Postpartum or perinatal depression, can effectively help new mothers suffering from this issue. Psychotherapy, hormone therapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy are highly recommended.

  3. Natural Healing: Issues like perinatal or postnatal depression can be addressed with natural healing as well. Gentle mind exercises, yoga, or meditation can help new mothers.

Contact Us for Professional Help..!

Postpartum or perinatal depression is a common problem among new mothers but sometimes can become severe enough. Thus, asking for help from medical experts and going for Postpartum depression treatment therapies and medications becomes essential. However, if you have any doubts or want to seek professional help after reading this article, contact Reflect Within.

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